PdfManager Object
PdfManager is AspPDF's central top-level object. It is creatable via CreateObject("Persits.Pdf") or the New operator. PdfManager serves as an "object factory" for other objects, most notably PdfDocument. It also provides formatting and registration key-related functionality.
Member List
Returns the component's expiration date obtained from the registration key in use. If the returned value is 9/9/9999, it means the registration key is permanent.
Returns the current component version in the format "X.X.X.X Build XXXX", for example " Build 13567".
Specifies the registration key. If this property is not set, AspPDF will look for a registration key in the system registry under HKLM\Software\Persits Software\AspPDF\RegKey. If the key is invalid, this property will throw an error exception. AspPDF requires a registration key even for evaluation purposes. A free 30-day evaluation key can be obtained at www.asppdf.com.
Creates an empty PDF document, returns an instance of the PdfDocument object representing this document.
ID is a binary number, specified as a hex string, to be used as this document's identifier. If this argument is omitted, AspPDF will generate a random 128-bit document identifier. Use this argument only if you need your document to have a specific identifier for accountability or other purposes. The current document identifier can be retrieved via PdfDocument's ID property.
Creates an instance of the PdfParam object optionally initialized with a parameter string specified by ParamStr. If the ParamStr argument is omitted, the method creates an empty PdfParam object.
For more information about the PdfParam object and parameter strings, see Section 2.3 - PdfParam Object.
This is an auxiliary method which returns a formatted string for a Date.
Format is a formatting string that contains one or more codes that represent various components of a date/time. The formatting codes are listed below (copied from MSDN):
str = Pdf.FormatDate( Now, "%d %b %Y") ' produces "17 Nov 2023"
An auxiliary method that returns a formatted string for a Number. Param is a PdfParam object or parameter string specifying various formatting parameters (all optional), including:
- Precision - the number of decimals after the decimal point. 6 by default.
- Delimiter - if set to True, thousands delimiters are inserted. False by default.
- NoMinus - if set to True, uses parentheses for negative numbers instead of the minus sign. False by default.
- European - if set to True, uses "," for the decimal point and "." for thousands separators. False by default.
' Produces 1,234.57
str = Pdf.FormatNumber(1234.56789, "Precision=2, Delimiter=true")
' Produces 1.234,57
str = Pdf.FormatNumber(1234.56789, "Precision=2, Delimiter=true; European=true")
An auxiliary method which places UTF-8 encoded Text into a file specified by Path at a location specified by Location. Returns the filename (without the path) of the file specified by Path.
Use this method to inject a digitial signature generated on a user workstation into a server-side PDF. This functionality is described in Section 8.4 - Client-Side Signing of Server-Side PDFs.
This method was introduced in Version 3.4.
An auxiliary method which loads a text string from a file specified by Path. A file can be in ANSI or Unicode (little endian or big endian) formats.
All text-handling method such as PdfCanvas.DrawText expect a text string to be passed as an argument. If the text to be drawn resides in a file, the LoadTextFromFile method can be used to load the file into a text string which can them be passed to a text-drawing method.
Impersonates the specified user account. If Domain is empty, the local computer will be used to validate the password. Use this function if your current security context does not allow you to perform a certain operation such as sending an image to the network printer.
Flags may be set to one of the following values: LOGON_INTERACTIVE (2, default), LOGON_NETWORK (3), LOGON_BATCH (4), and LOGON_SERVICE (5). Using this optional parameter is not recommended.
This method was introduced in Version 2.1.
Opens an existing PDF document from a file specified by Path. Password optionally specifies an owner or user password in case the document is password-protected.
Generally, the method returns an instance of the PdfDocument object representing the document being opened. If the document is password-protected and Password is missing, the method returns Nothing. If a password is required and an invalid one is specified, or if the file being opened is invalid or corrupt, the method throws an error exception.
For more information about working with existing documents, see Chapter 9 - Working with Existing PDFs.
Same as OpenDocument, but opens an existing PDF from a memory array as opposed to disk file. This method is useful when the source document resides in a database table as a blob.
For more information about working with existing documents, see Chapter 9 - Working with Existing PDFs
Calls the Win32 API ::RevertToSelf to run the component under the system account's security context. This helps overcome certain permission problems when working with files and the system registry (such as obtaining font information from the registry when calling Fonts.Item) without having to tweak permissions. This method is only effective under ASP but not ASP.NET.
Sends an arbitrary file specified via Path from the server's hard drive to the client browser. This method can only be used under ASP and ASP.NET, but not VB or any other non-IIS environment. When used under ASP.NET, the classic ASP compatibility mode must be enabled, as follows:
<%@ Page aspCompat="True" other attributes %>A script calling this method must not have any HTML tags in it (not even comments) as they would corrupt the HTTP stream.
ContentType optionally specifies the Content-Type header for the HTTP stream. This argument is "application/pdf" by default.
DispHeader optionally specifies the Content-Disposition header for the HTTP stream. By default, the header is set to "attachment; filename=filename.ext" based on the name of the file being sent. You may choose to pass a value for this argument if you want to specify a filename other than the actual document name.
Pdf.SendBinary "c:\path\a.pdf", , "attachment; filename=b.pdf"